Title: Rose of Paradise
Media:stoneware, porcelain, brass, steel
Dimensions: 27" X 13" X 13"
Date: 2024
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Quote from Dante's The Divine Comedy
(This text is on the base plaque)

The name of that fair flower I e’er invoke 
Morning and evening utterly enthralled 
My soul to gaze upon the greater fire. 

And when in both mine eyes depicted were 
The glory and greatness of the living star 
Which there excelleth, as it here excelled,  

Athwart the heavens a little torch descended 
Formed in a circle like a coronal, 
And cinctured it, and whirled itself about it. 

Whatever melody most sweetly soundeth 
On earth, and to itself most draws the soul, 
Would seem a cloud that, rent asunder, thunders, 

Compared unto the sounding of that lyre 
Wherewith was crowned the sapphire beautiful, 
Which gives the clearest heaven it's sapphire hue. 

“I am angelic love, that circle round 
The joy sublime which breathes from out the womb 
That was the hostelry of our Desire; 

And I shall circle, Lady of Heaven, while 
Thou followest thy Son, and mak’st diviner 
The sphere supreme, because thou interest there.”